4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2022
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Post Conference
4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2022 Videos:
4DMDA-2022 – Jerry H Qi – Multi-material additive manufacturing by integrating digital light processing and direct ink writing
4DMDA-2022 – Cavalcanti – Improving the mechanical properties of additive manufactured ABS parts by using by glass fibre fabrics
4DMDA-2022 – Anirshu Divroy – Additively manufactured soft sensors for rehabilitation and robotics
4DMDA-2022 – Ferdinand Cerbe – Methodology for FDM 4D printing with thermo-responsive SMPs
4DMDA-2022 – Antoine Le Duigou- Biomimicry and 4D printing for innovative composites
4DMDA-2022 – Carolina Guerra – Advantages of producing shape memory Cu-11Al-5Ni-4Fe wt% alloy using LPBF
4DMDA-2022 – Hannah Kelbel – 4D Textiles: bending of structures with local adherence
4DMDA-2022 – Yun-Fei Fu – Topological design of 2D metamaterial structures with zero Poissopn’s ratio using SEMDOT
4DMDA-2022 – Christoph A. Spiegel – Towards covalent adaptable microstructures by combination of two-photon laser printing and alkoxyamine chemistry
4DMDA-2022 – Oliver Weeger – Inelastic finite deformation beam modelling and simulation of additively manufactured lattice structures
4DMDA-2022 – Stefano Pandini – Photo-crosslinked poly(caprolactone)-based systems for two-way reversible actuation
4DMDA-2022 – Mojtaba Karamimoghadam – A comparative study of different infill percentage of the 3D printing in polylactic acid
4DMDA-2022 – Suong V. Hoa – Effect of temperature and moisture on deformation of un-symmetric laminate basis for applications of 4D printing of composites
4DMDA-2022 – Thomas Fruleux – Towards the control of water diffusion inside smart biomimetic actuators
4DMDA-2022 – Hafiz Ali – Particle filtering device with tunable apertures; design and fabrication
4DMDA-2022 – Qi Ge – Multifunctional additive manufacturing from 3D to 4D
4DMDA-2022 – Iman Valizadeh – Parametric visco-hyperelastic constitutive modeling of functionally graded polymers manufactured via grayscale masked stereolithography
4DMDA-2022 – Christoph A. Spiegel – 4D printed programmable microstructures: from macro to microscale
4DMDA-2022 – Ana P. Piedade – Conductive polymeric filaments for AM: Can we rely on their performance?
4DMDA-2022 – Hendrik Thölking – Analytical-numerical simulation of 4D-structures printed with FDM
4DMDA-2022 – Thomas Gries – 4D Textiles – Design standardization of textiles based additively made adaptive structures
4DMDA-2022 – Hamid Jafari – Passive optimization in a low-frequency square periodic metamaterial
4DMDA-2022 – Leonid Ionov – Possibilities and limitations of 4D biofabrication
4DMDA-2022 – Aryaman J Singh – Design and fabrication of SMA-based 4D printed FWMAV
4DMDA-2022 – Marwan Nafea – Development of 4D printed large-stroke microgrippers
4DMDA-2022 – Yonas Tadesse – 4D printing approach of bioinspired musculoskeletal systems
Best Presentation Award:
The 4DMDA 2022 technical committee has announced four best presentation awards based on the quality of both the written abstract and the presentation as follows:
Hannah Kelbel
Iman Valizadeh
Christoph A. Spiegel
Ferdinand Cerbe
4DMDA- 2022 Schedule – 010922 updated
The first international 4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing 2022 (4DMDA 2022) Conference is organized by the 4D Printing Society. The conference will showcase the latest developments and technologies in smart materials, intelligent designs, modeling, additive manufacturing, and 3D/4D printing, alongside the current issues of concern in the further development of 3D/4D printed devices. 4DMDA 2022 will provide a forum for internationally recognized experts and young scientists working in the fields of smart materials, advanced modeling, and 3D/4D printing technologies to present their work.
4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2022 aims to bring together the most recent research on a variety of exciting topics such as (but not limited to):
- Design methods for smart materials and additive manufacturing using artificial intelligence, topological optimization, etc.
- New materials, design, and functionalities (digital materials, auxetics, lattices, metamaterials, smart materials in robotics, biomaterials, 3D/4D-printed soft robots, etc.)
- Advanced additive manufacturing techniques of smart materials (4D printing, bioprinting, multi-material printing, AM processes, hybrid AM, closed-loop 3D printing, etc.)
- Advanced modeling and simulation (mechanics of materials, constitutive modeling, shape memory effects, multi-physics, stimuli-responsive, coupling effects, etc.)
- Characterization and innovative properties (morphing, mechanical, fatigue, aging, etc.)
- Industrialization and applications (health, aerospace, automotive, defense, civil, etc.)
- Current issues of concern in the further development of 4D materials, design, and additive manufacturing.
This conference will be hosted as an online event and take place on September 1-2, 2022.
The event will be live considering the different time zones. Each presentation will be recorded and then stored on the website so it will be accessible to registered participants.
Submissions, Publications & Awards
-Speakers have two options for submission: 1) 1-page abstract or 2) proceeding paper.
-To attend the conference as a speaker, please submit your abstract or proceeding paper via the following submission tab no later than July 30, 2022.
–Single abstracts and abstracts of proceeding papers will be reviewed and authors will be notified of abstract acceptance or non-acceptance within 7 days of their submission. The notification might include comments from the reviewers. You will have an opportunity to modify your abstract in response to the reviewers’ comments and re-submit it by September 1, 2022.
-Proceeding papers will be reviewed after the conference to be included in the book of proceedings. All accepted papers will be published in a book of proceedings and indexed in Science Citation Index (SCI) and Scopus via Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier.
-Please write your proceeding papers using the Materials Today: Proceedings Template. This must be written in English, must not exceed 10 pages maximum (figures and tables included), and be submitted in .docx format.
-On acceptance, you will be required to prepare a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation to be presented at the conference.
-On acceptance of your submission (either abstract or proceeding paper), you will be asked to make an online payment. Please check the registration section.
-Non-submitters are also welcome to attend the conference as audience members.
-3-4 abstracts/papers will be chosen for the Best Presentation/Abstract Awards conferred at the end of the conference. The judging panel will comprise four directors from the 4D Printing Society. Judges will decide on the awards based on the quality of both the written abstract/paper and the presentation.
-The winners will receive a £40 Amazon voucher plus an official certificate from 4DPS with the title of “Best Research Paper presented – 4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2022”.
-Additionally, high-quality abstracts/proceeding papers will be invited to submit a full-length paper to be peer-reviewed and, if accepted, it will be published in the Focus Issue of the journal of Smart Materials and Structures.
We look forward to receiving your full-length journal papers and proceedings papers. For further information please contact mahdi.bodaghi@ntu.ac.uk.
Important Dates
4DMDA- 2022 Schedule – 010922 updated
-Submission for Abstract and Mini Papers Opens: 1 April 2022
-Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 July 2022
-Registration/Payment Deadline: 10 August 2022
-Proceeding Papers Submission Deadline: 30 September 2022
Keynote Speakers
Technical Committee
Ana Paula da Fonseca Piedade, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Antoine Le Duigou, Univ Bretagne Sud IRDL Lorient, France
Eujin Pei, Brunel University London, UK
Falguni Pati, IIT Hyderabad, India
Frédéric Demoly, UTBM, France
Giulia Scalet, University of Pavia, Italy
H. Jerry Qi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Leonid Ionov, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Lining Yao, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Marwan Nafea, University of Nottingham, Malaysia
Stefano Pandini, University of Brescia, Italy
Suong Van Hoa, Concordia University, Canada
Thomas Gries, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Ali Zolfagharian, Deakin University, Australia
Mahdi Bodaghi, Nottingham Trent University, UK
The registration fees for speakers and audiences are £120 and £40, respectively, and all participants will gain full access to the two-day online conference and recorded presentations. This is a heavily discounted price, and a special offer for student speakers is £80.
-Speaker (regular): £120
-Speaker (student): £80
-Non-speaker (audience): £40
Be sure that at least one author/delegate, or audience member registers to attend the conference using the online registration system. Each paper must have at least one author/delegate registered, with the payment received by the registration deadline (see Important Dates) to avoid being withdrawn from the conference. Authors are allowed to submit additional abstract/mini papers for an extra charge of £80.
Registrations are being taken via Eventbrite using the following link: