4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2024
will be organized by the 'Belfort-Montbeliard University of Technology' in Ajaccio, Corsica, France
Event Links

Best Presentation Award:
The 4DMDA 2024 technical committee has announced four best presentation awards based on the quality of both the written abstract and the presentation, as follows:
Jennifer Boothby (Johns Hopkins University)
Presentation: “LCE Machines: Using printing to access space-based applications”
Théo Calais (Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard (UTBM))
Presentation: “Freeform liquid 3D printing of multimaterial functional structures for soft robotics applications”
Mohamedreza Lalegani Dezaki (Nottingham Trent University)
Presentation: “4D Printing Continuous Fibre-Reinforced Composites for Sustainable Shape Memory and StrengthMohammadreza”
Xiaohao Sun (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Presentation: “Machine Learning Based Design for Multimaterial 4D Printing”
The 3rd international 4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2024 (4DMDA 2024) is organized by the Belfort-Montbeliard University of Technology (UTBM), the ICB UMR 6303 CNRS, and the 4D Printing Society. The event showcases the latest developments and technologies in smart materials, metamaterials, intelligent designs, modeling, additive manufacturing, and 3D/4D printing. It addressed current concerns in the further development of 3D/4D printed devices and provides a forum for internationally recognized experts and young scientists working in the fields of smart materials, metamaterials, advanced design, modeling and simulation, and 3D/4D printing technologies to present their work.
This conference is hosted in person at the Congress Center, Quai l’Herminier, 2000 Ajaccio, France, and scheduled to take place on July 4-5, 2024.
4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2024 aims to bring together the most recent research on a variety of exciting topics such as (but not limited to):
- Design methods for smart materials and additive manufacturing using computational techniques (artificial intelligence, optimization, etc.).
- Development of new functional and active materials.
- Design of metamaterials and metastructures.
- Advanced additive manufacturing techniques of smart materials (multi-material techniques, hybrid additive manufacturing, closed-loop 3D printing, bioprinting, etc.).
- Advanced modeling and simulation (mechanics of materials, constitutive modeling, shape memory effects, multi-physics, stimuli-responsive, coupling effects, etc.).
- Characterization and innovative properties (morphing, mechanical, fatigue, aging, etc.).
- Industrialization and applications (health, aerospace, automotive, defense, civil, etc.)
The 4D Printing Society invites abstracts and papers from researchers, students, and working professionals from academia as well as industry within the scope of the conference topics.
Submissions, Publications, & Awards
- Speakers are invited to submit 1-page abstract. Please use this template: 4DMDA 2024_Abstract_Template
- To attend the conference as a speaker, please submit your 1-page abstract (1 PDF file including title, list of authors, affiliations, maximum of 1000 words, and keywords) via the following submission tab no later than March 15, 2024.
- Abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and authors will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance within 7 days of their submission.
- On acceptance of your submission, you will be asked to make an online payment. Please check the registration section.
- On acceptance, you will be required to prepare a 6-minute ‘Pecha Kucha’ style presentation followed by 4 minutes Q & A.
- Non-submitters are also welcome to attend the conference as audience members.
- Four speakers will be chosen for the Best Presentation Awards conferred at the end of the conference. The judging panel comprises four directors from the 4D Printing Society. Judges will decide on the awards based on the quality of both the written abstract and the presentation.
- The winners will receive a £40 Amazon voucher plus an official certificate from 4D Printing Society with the title of “Best Research Work presented – 4D Materials Design and Additive Manufacturing Conference 2024”.
- Additionally, all participants are invited to submit their high-quality full-length papers or short communications for peer-review and publication in the journal of Smart Materials and Structures or Smart Materials & Methods.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and full-length journal papers. For further information, please contact info@4dprintings.com.
Important Dates and Conference Programme:
Important Dates:
- Submission for Abstracts open: 15 January 2024
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 April 2024
- Registration/Payment Deadline: 15 April 2024
- Conference Days: 4 & 5 July 2024
Conference Programme:
Please download the 4DMDA2024 Programme and check below for presentation and timing:
Duration | Q&A | Total | ||
Plenary Speaker | 25 min | 5 min | 30 min | |
Keynote Speaker | 15 min | 5 min | 20 min | |
Presenter | 6 min | 4 min | 10 min |
🎤 Step into the Spotlight with a Pecha Kucha Presentation! 🌟
All presenters are invited to showcase their research in a dynamic and captivating 4D format at 4DMDA 2024 conference. This is a phenomenal opportunity to discover the innovative research happening within our Society and what all the researchers are working on.
🔍 What is Pecha Kucha?
Originated in Japan, Pecha Kucha is an engaging presentation style where you summarize your research in a (typically) 6-minute, image-friendly presentation consisting of approximately 20 slides.
📊 Create Your Presentation:
- Length: 6 minutes
- Slides: ~20 slides
- Content: Utilize pictures, figures, and tables for maximum visual impact
- Timing: 18 seconds per slide
Following your presentation, there will be a 4-minute Q&A session, providing a fantastic opportunity for in-depth discussions and feedback on your research work.
Plenary Speakers
David Rosen, A*STAR, Singapore & Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (Plenary lecture: Conceptual Design of 4D Additive Manufactured Devices)
Renee Ruike Zhao, Stanford University, USA (Plenary lecture: 3D Printing and Soft Robotics)
Kristina Shea, ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Plenary lecture: Explorations in Designing 4D Printed, Tunable Structures and Machines)
Keynote Speakers
Pablo Valdivia y Alvarado, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore (Keynote lecture: 4D Printing for Soft Robotics Applications)
Jean-Fabien Capsal, INSA-Lyon, EA682, University Lyon, France (Keynote lecture: Electroactive Soft Materials for 4D Printing Applications)
Sébastien Blanquer, Montpellier University, France (Keynote lecture: Exploring the Potential of 4D Printing and Polymer Chemistry in Biomedical Applications)
Muamer Kadic, Université de Franche Comté, France (Keynote lecture: Metamaterials and 4D Printing at Microscale)
Thomas Gries, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Keynote lecture: Latest Developements in 4D-Textile-Manufacturing)
Mahdi Bodaghi, Nottingham Trent University, UK (Keynote lecture: 4D Printing Resilient, Recoverable, and Repairable Meta-Structures)
Frédéric Demoly, UTBM, France (Executive Chair)
H. Jerry Qi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (Vice-Chair)
Ali Zolfagharian, Deakin University, Australia (Co-Chair)
Mahdi Bodaghi, Nottingham Trent University, UK (Co-Chair)
Technical Committee
David W. Rosen, Agency for Science, Technology, and Research, Singapore
Kun Zhou, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Nan Wu, University of Manitoba, Canada
Martin L. Dunn, Colorado University Denver, USA
Devin J. Roach, Oregon State University, USA
Yonas Tadesse, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Eva Blasco, Heidelberg University, Germany
Jean-Claude André, University of Lorraine, France
Sébastien Blanquer, Montpellier University, France
Théo Calais, Belfort-Montbeliard University of Technology, France
Johnny Moughames, Belfort-Montbeliard University of Technology, France
Thomas Gries, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
To be updated.
If you require a visa to attend the conference and need an invitation letter to support your application, we are happy to assist you. To request an invitation letter, please contact us at info@4dprintings.com with your full name, address, and other relevant details after registration so the organizer can provide an invitation letter to help facilitate your visa application process. We recommend that you begin the visa application process as early as possible to ensure sufficient time for processing.
Palais des Congrès (Congress Center), Ajaccio, Corsica, France
Corsisa is in the south-east of France, close to Italy (see red circle)
Ajaccio is located on the west coast of the Corsica island
The conference venue is a 20-minute drive from the Napoleon Bonaparte Airport
An overview of the Congress Center close to the sea
How to Get There
By plane with the following companies:
Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
The registration fees for speakers and audiences are listed below (all tax fees included):
- Full Delegate Registration: £500
- Full Student Registration: £400
- Non-speaker (audience): £300
Registration fees include: conference documentation, welcome reception, coffee/tea breaks, lunch and Gala Dinner.
Be sure that at least one author/delegate, or audience member registers to attend the conference using the online registration system. Each abstract must have at least one author/delegate registered, with the payment received by the registration deadline (see Important Dates) to avoid being withdrawn from the conference. Authors are allowed to submit additional abstracts for an extra charge of £100.
Registrations are being taken via Eventbrite using the following link.