Avialable 4D Printing Positions

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  • #586
    Ali Zolfagharian

    This topic announces the available 4D printing positions for PhDs, postdocs, and academics.

    Ali Zolfagharian

    Two PhD positions in 3D Bioprinting/4D Bioprinting/Biofabrication is available

    One PhD project deals with the fabrication of fiber-reinforced microtissues using a combination of 3D bioprinting and fiber spinning. Second PhD project deals with the fabrication of vascular structures using 4D bioprinting. Persons with strong experience in the biomaterials, tissue engineering, polymers and/or materials science is required. Experience in 3D printing and handling living cells is beneficial but not mandatory. The successful candidates are expected to have an MSc degree in Material Science/Chemistry/Polymers or related fields.The total duration is ca 3 years.
    Please send your application to leonid.ionov@uni-bayreuth.de
    For more information visit our website:

    Ali Zolfagharian

    One postdoctoral position in 3D printing/bioprinting

    A postdoctoral position in 3D printing/bioprinting and experimental mechanics of smart polymers and hydrogels will be available at University of Pavia in Italy starting January 2023. The successful candidate should have extensive expertise in the experimental testing of soft materials (e.g., thermo-mechanical, rheological analysis) in additive manufacturing and/or biofabrication techniques. The position will be part of an ERC Starting project. Please visit our website for further information: https://lnkd.in/enDHWNKt. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr Giulia Scalet (giulia.scalet@unipv.it).

    Ali Zolfagharian

    One PhD thesis fellowship is available

    A PhD thesis fellowship is available in my Lab (ICB UMR 6303 CNRS) on the emerging theme of 4D printing. The research topic is focused on artificial intelligence-based design and digital manufacturing. The PhD thesis will be associated with the creation of a start-up in the field of 4D printing. The candidate should have a strong motivation in this industrial direction. Please send your application to frederic.demoly@utbm.fr before the end of April 2022.

    Ali Zolfagharian

    PhD Scholarship in Advanced Laser Welding of Soft and Hard Composite Materials with Shape Memory Features. A doctoral Cotutelle project in shape memory composite materials between Deakin University (Australia) and Coventry University (UK).


    – Applications close 5pm, Thursday 15 December 2022

    Ali Zolfagharian

    PhD Scholarship in 4D Printing! A doctoral Cotutelle project in 4D shape memory soft composite materials between Deakin University (Australia) and Coventry University (UK).


    – Applications close 5pm, Thursday 15 December 2022
    – Meet the PhD entry requirements English language proficiency requirements (IELTS overall minimum score of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each component)

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